Friday 9 December 2016

The Figure of Eight

The Figure of Eight - J D Whetherspoon

 The Figure of Eight is a restaurant and bar on Broad street. The people that visit it vary in age unlike the other venues (clubs) on Broad street that are visited mostly by students and young adults. 
 Outside, the venue looks pretty appealing especially when it gets dark and the lights go on. In my opinion, it has one of the best exterior designs on Broad street. If you are not a fan of clubs with loud music but still want to enjoy few drinks in a nice commercial atmosphere with people around, this is your place. 

 Inside, it looks like a typical pub. However, there are more places for drinks. It is a lively place maybe because of the location. The staff is very efficient. They are nice and usually customers don't have to wait for long. The drinks are decent and probably better than the ones in the other venues(clubs) on Broad street maybe because they don't take advantage of drunk people and the quality is a bar-restaurant one. There is a smoking area in the back which is pretty big and there are tables. Unfortunately, there is no roof over them or umbrellas which make it pointless if it's raining. 
All in all, it is a popular venue and many people go for pre-drinks before heading off to the nearby clubs.
Venue score: 8/10
Atmosphere: 7/10
Staff: 8/10
Drinks: 8/10

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