Thursday 5 May 2016

Subside Digbeth Birmingham

Subside Digbeth Birmingham
Subside is a rock bar in central Birmingham. It is in front of the Coach Station. The venue looks good from the outside. It is visible that it is a night bar and the best thing is that it works til 6,30 a.m.Once you are in, the place looks great. There is enough space for everyone to dance, to sit, to drink or even to play pool.
The music is pop-rock, rock and metal. The drinks are nice, on a good price and there is also a cocktail menu. The staff is very friendly and they work fast. The atmosphere is welcoming and lively. There is a smoking area  in the left side of the bar. It is a bit small compared to the capacity of the venue and it becomes a problem when it's raining.
Overall, it is a really good place if you like this type of music and even if you don't, you will enjoy trying it. Just remember, they don't have bracelets or stamps. So, when you go out, the security won't let you back in without paying again.
Venue score: 8,5/10
Atmosphere: 8/10
Staff: 8/10
Drinks: 8,5/10

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