Monday 2 May 2016

Jekyll and Hyde

Jekyll & Hyde
Jekyll & Hyde is a quite small bar located in the city center. Its design on the outside is eye-catching and it has an amazing garden in the style of Alice in Wonderland. Inside, it is a really small bar and many times there is no place to sit (especially on Fridays and Saturdays). So, before going there I recommend making a reservation. The put off is just that many times they reply that you should go and find a place on the bar by yourself and even the garden has only around 3 tables.
Moreover, the staff is really nice. They are really fun and will make your experience even better. The cocktails are also very good. There are the classic ones but they have also fun variations with candy in it. The music is good for dancing but there isn't enough space for this. The bar is visited by people of all ages but there are mostly younger people.
Venue score: 8/10
Atmosphere: 6.5/10
Staff: 9/10
Drinks: 9/10

Update: There is a new menu. However, there are hardly any new cocktails just some of the old ones are removed. What is more, I have noticed a tendency that even though the new menu is smaller, it takes quite a lot of time for the staff to make the drinks. So, prepare to wait...

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