Wednesday 27 April 2016

Nightlife in Birmingham

 Nightlife in Birmingham

If you wonder where to go out in Birmingham, here you can find a thorough review of some famous clubs and bars. The review will be made form my point of view and I appreciate different opinions.
You probably think what is special in these reviews, what is different about them?
In my opinion, this is a very underestimated business. That probably could be explained because people go there and get drunk. But there is really more about it. When you go for a night out, you deserve the best. Is your time to make special memories without thinking about work. So, every venue in  the hospitality sector should satisfy customer needs. Why then bars and clubs don't have a thorough reviews like hotels and restaurants for example?
I have noticed that there are no such reviews on the Internet. Maybe people just don't care that much where will they go but they should be!!! It makes such a difference in the experience. I always want to try different things and be open-minded. However, when you go to a venue that you don't like and don't enjoy, it can ruin your whole night and yes, this blog is for you, your free time and experience. You will have better time where you are appreciated and, of course, it depends on the taste in music, drinks and interior design. That is why I will try to revue venues quite neutrally but thoroughly.
Moreover, I am really into nightlife. I have visited many clubs and bars. However, every time I visit such a venue I look at it in a slightly different way. Of course, first I notice its appearance on the outside. It is pretty important the look of the venue from the outside. People say you have only one chance to make first impression and that is totally true. This can also be applied for bars and clubs. People also say don't judge a book by its cover but you should do when it comes to bars and clubs. Next thing is inside. The whole design of the service delivery process. So important!!! It can make or brake you night out and, of course, to prevent the breaking I am writing these reviews.

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